Sunday, December 23, 2007

Coming: As as the next 100 slots fill!

These webcasts can only be accessed by those who have pre-registered. Registration is easy, and at this point it's still free. All one needs to do is contact me in the following manner:

Email me at...
In the subject line of your email, please type... "WEBCAST 2"
In the body of your email, please provide a first name, as well as the email address from which you'll want to access the seminar. (I respect your privacy and will never sell, rent or otherwise distribute your e-mail address.)

Please know that, due to some Blogger limitations, I have to cut-off registration at 100 viewers). So, you might want to register early, since access will ultimately be on a first come, first served basis.

There's some significance to my kicking-off this presentation during the spring. I mean, with one season behind me, this is about the time I like to begin readying for next year. Yes, I start my planning that early, because there's a lot a coach needs to do if things are going to run smoothly in the fall.

Without a doubt, I'm known to be thorough whenever I undertake any sort of hockey study.
Still, while the things I want to show you will seem fairly simple -- or straight forward, I'm going to share with you a breakdown of the game that just shouldn't be neglected. (Actually, I've yet to hear another coach or seminar speaker explain things in the way I plan to.)

My presentation will include chalktalks, sample videos and more. And, at the end of Part 1, participants will have gained a checklist of all the tactical plays required of a team, and its forwards and defensemen (and even a little having to do with goaltenders). You will have a head start on the skills required to play each position, and you'll also learn some great new drill ideas. And, the sum total of the information you'll gain from that first session is going to make it super-easy for you to plan your practices next fall.

I'll be aiming my presentation towards coaches. And, I believe coaches at all levels should benefit from various segments of this seminar. Still, older players and really-into-it parents might also gain a lot of helpful insight into the game.

Continuing in our pursuit of great drill ideas, I'll delve more into skills in this session -- but, not just your typical or basic skills!

Oh, and between sessions I'm going solicit your questions. And I'll deal with them in the final segment of Part 2 (actually, you're going to love the fact that I'll leave the Q's and A's from our previous sessions for new participants to consider).

Seminar Hours:
Registered coach will be notified as soon as 100 slots have been filled. At that time, Part 1 will go on-line, and remain available for a period of 2-weeks. (This length of time seemed to work well for our first seminar group, since many of them expressed interest in reviewing the information several times.) At the end of two weeks, Part 1 will be removed, and registered coaches will be invited to Part 2, which will similarly stay on-line for a period of 2-weeks.

So, again, remember to register early. It'll cost you nothing but you're time. And, from the feedback I'm receiving from earlier participants, you're going to be awfully glad you joined us!

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